summary | ||
public |
Expression is used to build filtering expressions, like those used in WHERE clauses. |
public |
Measurement creates a reference to a particular measurement. |
public |
C InfluxDB InfluxDB is the public interface to run queries against your database. |
public |
C Pool The Pool maintains a list available Influx hosts and dispatches requests to them. |
public |
An RequestError is returned as an error from requests that result in a 300 <= error code <= 500. |
public |
An ServiceNotAvailableError is returned as an error from requests that result in a > 500 error code. |
public |
A ResultError is thrown when a query generates errorful results from Influx. |
private |
C Schema The Schema provides information and utilities for an InfluxDB measurement. |
private |
F assertNoErrors(res: *): * Checks if there are any errors in the IResponse and, if so, it throws them. |
private |
F parse(res: *, precision: *): * From parses out a response to a result or list of responses. |
private |
F parseSingle(res: *, precision: *): * ParseSingle asserts that the response contains a single result, and returns that result. |
private |
F coerceBadly(fields: *): * Coerces the field map to a set of writable values, a la coerceFields, using native guesses based on the field datatypes. |
summary | ||
public |
Constant Backoff |
public |
Exponential Backoff |
summary | ||
public |
C Raw You can provide Raw values to Influx methods to prevent it from escaping your provided string. |
private |
F castTimestamp(timestamp: *, precision: *): * Converts a timestamp to a string with the correct precision. |
private |
F dateToTime(date: *, precision: *): * Converts a Date instance to a timestamp with the specified time precision. |
private |
F formatDate(date: *): * FormatDate converts the Date instance to Influx's date query format. |
private |
F isoOrTimeToDate(stamp: *, precision: string): * Converts an ISO-formatted data or unix timestamp to a Date instance. |
public |
F toNanoDate(timestamp: *): * Covers a nanoseconds unix timestamp to a INanoDate for node-influx. |
public |
TagEscaper escapes tag keys, tag values, and field keys. |
public |
Precision is a map of available Influx time precisions. |
public |
FieldType is an enumeration of InfluxDB field data types. |